Cultural association

The Cultural Association of Prahladrai Dalmia Lions College provides young minds with a platform not only to showcase their potential talent but also refine them to be market ready. Students learn management and a competitive spirit to achieve their goals. Cultural association of the college prides itself on having the tagline “where passion meets opportunity”.

The college inspires the students to participate in various intra-collegiate, inter collegiate cultural competitions as well as the festivals organised by the University of Mumbai. These events give opportunity to our students to showcase their talent in the field of Arts, Music, Dance & Drama Competitions.

The teachers along with the cultural secretary and the assistant cultural secretaries take a lot of effort to plan, to guide and organize the various events and competitions in the college at Intra and Intercollegiate level.

Our students are competent enough to compete at University, State and National level as well.

The college also organises its annual intercollegiate cultural event Dalmia Lions Utsav. This event comprises various inter-collegiate cultural competitions. Colleges all over Mumbai participate in the event. These events give opportunity to our students to show their talent in the field of Arts, Music, Dance & Drama Competitions which are conducted in the month of December.The event is by the students, of the students and for the students.

Enthusiasm is a boon only if it comes with responsibility. We are proud to say that our students take charge of things and complete it with determination. This is the culture inculcated in them which drives them to achieve the old targets and set new benchmarks.

Dalmia Lions Utsav Report 2019-20

Students Core Committee 2023-24: Click here to view

FA Week Winners List : Click Here To View

Membership Notice: Click here to view

Drama Audition Cultural association: Click here to view

CS, ACS, HOD & Sub HOD Interview Notice: Click here to view

Dalmia Lions Utsav 2023-24 Broucher: Click here to view


ESPECTRO PRIZE WINNERS LIST 2021-22: Click here to view
Espectro 2021-22 brochure: Click here to view

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