Activities & Associations
National Service Scheme [N.S.S]
The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are to inculcate in the youth the understanding of the community in which they work and themselves in relation to their community; identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving; develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility; utilise their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems; develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities; gain skills in mobilising community participation; acquire leadership

Dalmia College NCC Unit
The motto of NCC is ‘Unity & Discipline’. The college started its NCC unit in 2015-16. The candidate must have attended a minimum 75% of total training periods laid down in the syllabus for the first & second years of SD/SW NCC (All Wings). He/she must have attended one Annual Training Camp/NIC. Cadets possessing ‘A’ certificate will be awarded 10 bonus marks.It is the Most important certificate for NCC cadet. Now it can be written in the 3 rd year of training, in the 3rd year of degree course / those having B certificate can write it in the first year
Department of Life Long Learning And Extension (DLLE)
The Department of Life Long Learning & Extension (DLLE) has been recognized as a Statutory Department of the University of Mumbai since 1994. It aims to promote a sustained rapport between the University & the Community. The Extension dimension of the Department facilitates the sensitization of the students to the socio-cultural realities. The department offers extension work projects encompassing social issues to the students.

Department of Sports
“Before you lay a foundation on the cricket field, there should be a solid foundation in your heart and you start building on that.” – Sachin Tendulkar. The Sport Department of our college lays a solid foundation of the youth aspiring to great sportsperson of the years to come. The basics are made firm by our excellent team of coaches and instructors. The Dalmia Lions Khel Mohatsav is organized every year.
Women Development Cell
The main objective of the cell is to look into the grievances of the women, both staff members (teaching and non-teaching) as well as students and provide guidance and help to them. The Prime Role of Women Development Cell (WDC) of the College is to deal with cases of sexual harassment and moreover, implementation of the Women policy, in general to promote the well being of female student, teaching and non-teaching women staff of the college.

About Students’ Council
Students’ Council is Statutory Body of students and supervised by the teachers. The purpose of the Students’ Council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out college activities and service projects. It is the only apex body formed to act as a link between the students and the college authorities for resolving various issues in respect of students.

Cultural Association
The cultural association of Prahladrai Dalmia Lion’s College provides young minds with a platform not only showcase their talent but also refines them to be market ready. Students learn management and a fighting spirit to achieve their goals. Today’s youth lacks the goal setting attitude and waste their time and energy on unproductive activities. Our lions roar “Progress”, “Honesty” and “Commitment”.
Internal Complaints Committee
Internal Complaints Committee examines all matters related to women in the work place and makes suggestions and proposals to the institution regarding such matters. The committee arranges programs on awareness on harassment and discrimination at the workplace and at other times, as is deemed necessary.

Placement Cell
In today’s fast moving world its important not to be educated but also to be market friendly. We at Prahladrai Dalmia Lion’s College of Commerce and Economics groom the students to be market ready. Placement is one such step to give young minds an opportunity to succeed.
Fine Arts
“The principles of true art is not to portray, but to evoke.” Jerzy Kosinski
In this day and age, art plays an important role in moulding the minds of children, to develop a positive nature and appreciate natural beauty.
The Fine Arts Association of our college aims at developing the potential of creatively inclined students, having a positive bent of mind and aesthetic approach in every work he or she does.

Leo Club
The LEO Club is a youth service organization affiliated with Lions Clubs International. LEO stands for “Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity.”
LEO Clubs are typically composed of young people between the ages of 12 and 30 who engage in various community service and volunteer activities to make a positive impact in their communities.