Quality Assurance System for the Teaching Learning Process
The Teaching Learning Process (TLP) the crux upon which the quality of the institution rests, thus it is minutely planned and monitored. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college has developed a systematic well planned Teaching Learning Process (TLP) :
The following steps are followed in the planning of the TLP:
1. Study of External and Internal Issues, Analysis of the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties & Risk Log.: A thorough study of Internal and External issue related to the Institution, Analysis of the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties (See Annexure I, II, III, IV) and a Risk Log analysis (See Annexure IX a ) is created and listed along with the level of probability – Low/ Medium/ Moderate, the level Impact of the Risk, the existing controls for the process and the additional actions to be taken in confronting the risks are then discussed, formulated and put in process.
2. On the same lines an Opportunity Log is also charted. See Annexure X (a)
3. At the macro level Quality Objectives are set after analyzing areas that require quality enhancement. See Annexure XI (a)
4. Academic quality improvement, attendance, Students’ Satisfaction Score and Faculty up gradation is the focus of the Quality management Programme of the current year.
5. The Teaching Learning Process is summed up in the Process Flow Chart see Annexure XIV .
5.1 Departmental Plan : The syllabus is received as per the guidelines of University of Mumbai. The departments then plan out the departmental activities at the beginning of the academic session. A proper format (DI / P-Dp/TLP/00) is followed to plan out the departmental activities. The objectives of the department are mapped. The learning outcomes of the courses taught are analyzed. The SWOC analysis of the department is done in a collaborative manner. Steps to be taken to decrease the weaknesses and meet the challenges are discussed and articulated clearly. Steps to be taken to improve the quality of the teaching learning process are enumerated. Activities – curricular and co-curricular are planned in advance. The ‘Best practices’ that the department is to undertake or continue and the teacher(s) that would undertake the responsibility is also enumerated in black and white. See attached Sample Format of Departmental Plan.
5.2 The departmental workload is then distributed and recorded (DI/ R-WL-L/TLP/ 00). See Sample Format of Departmental workload.
5.3 Delivery Planning : On the basis of the syllabus and workload distribution every Individual teacher then drafts the Teaching Plan for the course to be taught in the ensuing semester which is reviewed by the Head of the department /Coordinator (DI / R-TLip/TLP/01). See Sample Teaching Plan .
5.4 Monthly Monitoring Report : The actual implementation of the Teaching plan is monitored regularly on a monthly basis by the Head of the Department through the Monthly Monitoring Report of Teaching Plan (DI/ R-MM/TLP/00). The lectures engaged and not engaged are specified along with the reasons of the gaps in the teaching process are specified. This makes every teacher accountable towards the teaching learning process wherein the teacher also specifies the days on which the gaps in the TLP is bridged. The entire TLP is meticulously monitored by the Head of the Department /Coordinator. See Sample Monthly Monitoring Report
6. Implementation:
6.1 Log Book/ Teacher Dairy : As the teacher implements the plan through the delivery of the topics, a record is maintained in the Log Book in the format (Teaching-Learning Plan Implementation Record DI / TLI-Lg/TLP/00) also known as DTR Log that specifies the day and date of the topics taught along with the Teaching Methodology & Teaching Learning Aids used See Sample Teaching-Learning Plan Implementation Record. The References utilized by the teacher in the teaching learning process are also enumerated. This log book is regularly reviewed by the Head of the department /Coordinator.
6.2 Lecture Observation: At regular intervals (once a month) the Head of the Department /Coordinator monitors the actual delivery of lecture through the Lecture Observation process and records the same in the Lecture Observation Report. (DI / R-LO/TLP/00). See Sample Lecture Observation Record . Observations with regards to Content Delivery, Teaching Aids / Methodology, Class Control, Communication Skills, Overall Impact and other observations and suggestions are recorded and shared by the Head of the Department/Coordinator with the teacher thereby giving ample scope for improvement.
7. Review: Through regular departmental meetings the teaching learning process is reviewed at regular intervals so as to ensure the proper qualitative completion of syllabus. The departmental plan charted at the beginning of the semester is also reviewed. The gaps in the implementation are constantly kept under check and control.
A Competency Based Matrix charts the needed competencies in all faculty and the Individual Training Record is maintained in order to upgrade the competencies of the staff every year. (See Annexure CBM )
In addition to the above process the IQAC has been facilitating the teaching learning Process and has been successful in the following venture this year.
- The Daily Teaching Report is maintained in Excel spreadsheet shared with all teachers.
- Teacher’s Annual Academic Planner & Diary (Teacher Record Book) –in Excel is shared with every teacher.
- Tutorials are conducted wherein the class is divided into smaller batches so as to give individual attention to students’ queries.
- Student volunteers are involved in all events, workshops and seminars conducted in the college
- Value added Courses are in place for enhancing employability skills of students.
- Increased use of ICT
- Conducting online course and Exam on Software Programs in association with IIT Bombay for all Degree and Self Financed students of Our College along with M. Com. Students.
- Conducted remedial and intensive coaching
- Organization of guest and expert lectures
- Interactive teaching – learning through practical / tutorial/ presentation / viva voce on ON-LINE mode.etc.
- Live Projects, Live models of projects on going eco-friendly initiatives were displayed by the students.
- Industrial visit for students is cancelled in this year due to Pandemic.
- Case Studies Subjects like Economics, Business Communication, Advertising and Commerce make use of Case Studies to enhance the teaching-learning process.
- D’LITA The Dalmia Lions I.T. Association (DLITA) was formed with the aim to nurture and promote Information Technology skills of our student community.
- Fun-learning experiences: The department of BMS conducted “Prashnotri” Quiz program , a fun way of learning the management concepts
- Experiential learning – The Entrepreneurial Premier League : To explore & develop the Passion for business among students, especially the students of Bachelor in Management Studies with Business Model.
- Identification of slow learners and strategies to increase their learning index
- Mentoring and counseling of students.